Friday, August 29, 2008

Wow what a remarkable night last night was....

Good morning all,

Last night was such a remarkable night. Barack Obama accepted the nomination for the Democratic presidential candidacy on the anniversary of MLK's "I have a Dream" speech. It was a historical night that was managed brilliantly by the future President of the United States. Americans of all races, gender, religious affiliations and sexual orientation should be particularly proud that in this country of opportunity, an African American child of a single mother who was on welfare, can become President. The idea is unbelieveable and just 4 years ago was an improbability; but today Barack Obama stands as the poster child of opportunity meets preparation. His example should be a constant remainer that anything is possible when we take advantage of the opportunities that this country provides and jump over the obstacles that comes our way. We all should be proud... I know I am!


BTW, McCain has gambled with his VP pick and chose the Governor of Alaska, 44 year old Sarah Palin. That's right folks, he chose a woman. She appears to be a remarkable woman who has achieved a lot in the short years she has been in politics. She is a hyper conservative, pro-life, anti-gay rights advocate. Her pick as VP candidate helps John McCain's stance as a maverick who goes against the usual Republican politics and helps him control the media narrative until the Republican convention; however, her inexperience will throw out the argument against Barack Obama and serve as a sharp contrast to Biden's 35 years in government. This is indeed going to be a historical and interesting Presidential election. On the Democratic side we could elect the 1st African American candidate and on the Republican side we could elect the 1st woman Vice President. This is remarkable! McCain's pick can serve as the needed motivating factor that may make turncoats out of the Hillary PUMAs.

Wow, stay tuned!